We The People




“Who controls money controls the world.” ― Henry Kissinger

Being conveniently placed in the center of Europe, Switzerland became the base for the World of Finance, starting a few centuries ago. Since then,many Global companies based their HQ in Switzerland. An easy way for their clients to kill two birds with one stone : visit the company and their bankmanager… 

Swiss Banking secrecy

Catholic royalty flocked to Geneva in the 18th century in an effort to conceal their dealings with Protestant bankers and soon regulations were put into place to protect this lucrative business. Since 2017 however, this has slowly been dissolved, after many calls from foreign nations in order to repatriate hidden funds.
But don’t you worry, we can always find a nice place to stash your cash 😇


The Swiss National Bank

Nor Swiss, nor National but a private bank belonging like almost all „national banks“ to the Rothschild family (or is this just a conspiracy theory..). It’s head-offices are in Bern and Zurich.
Governed by Art. 99 of the Federal Constitution. 

Art. 99 Monetary Policy, 05.05.2004
1 Money and currency are a federal matter. The Confederation shall have the exclusive right to coin money and to issue bank notes.
2 As an independent central bank, the Swiss National Bank shall follow a monetary policy which serves the general interest of the country; it shall be administered with the cooperation and under the supervision of the
3 The Swiss National Bank shall create sufficient monetary reserves from its profits; a part of these reserves shall be held in gold.
4 At least two-thirds of the net profits of the Swiss National Bank shall be credited to the Cantons.

Empty words from a private company : In FIAT Money we Trust…


Basel or Bâle in French: Here we find the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements ; the Bank of Central and National Banks

“You as an employee of the tax office should know that the tax payments may be deposited only to the specified bank account. However, the transaction is not made directly to the account of the municipality, but the money or credit is transferred to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. This in turn forwards the credit to Washington DC, to a trust. There the account is settled with double-entry bookkeeping, so that at the end of the day the account is always back to zero. Subsequently, the credit is sent back to the BIS, and from there it finds its way to the municipality’s bank account. This payment flow has already been confirmed by the authorities in individual cases.”
Alex Brunner, analyst and researcher of the Swiss political situation since 2000. politik.brunner-architekt.ch (only in German)

In 1971 US President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, this meant that the banks did not have to hold a certain amount of gold to back the currency in circulation. Then the Petro-Dollar was created, and the world started living on FIAT money that could be printed to infinity..
Now we are going back to the gold standard, implemented in various stages: Basel I – IV

Basel I-IV, or the Basel Accords, is a set of international banking regulations drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS founded in 1974). They include, in particular, regulations on the capital ratio. When the financial world and the governments recognized that banks with too low a capital ratio posed a threat to financial security, the Basel regulations were put into place to prevent bank failures and the associated financial crises. This started from the 1980ies, long before the sub-prime scandals.
A typical Problem (1971) – Reaction (1974-now) – Solution (Basel 1-4) scenario.
The BCBS regulations do not carry legal force ; members are responsible for implementation in their respective home countries.

Bern: The Bern Treaty: Universal Postal Union (UPU) in Bern is the second oldest international organization worldwide. The union was established under the International Postal Convention of 1874, renamed the Universal Postal Union in 1878. It became a specialised, but independent, agency of the UN after 1945. The UPU is well ankered in the financial world.

Berne Union The Berne Union is the leading global association for the export credit and investment insurance industry: berneunion.org

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