We The People


Arrest Warrants and Cases


Arrest Warrants and Cases

On this page, we publish cases and letters and the corresponding documentation as well as arrest warrants, which were created by We The People from Switzerland. 

Step by step instructions on how to proceed in order to have your “case” published on this page.

Attachment to Arrest Warrant16.05.2024, team-switzerlandtemplate warrant
Arrest Warrant Michael Bischof08.05.2024arianne-carinnewarrant
Announcement of Arrest Warrant: Renato Orsi and Dominik Bühler30.04.2024christina-and-ivancase
Arrest Warrant Valentin Bard24.04.2024team-switzerlandvalentin-bard-prefetwarrant
Arrest Warrant Romain Collaud24.04.2024team-switzerlandromain-collaudwarrant
Arrest Warrant Philippe Allain24.04.2024team-switzerlandphilippe-allainwarrant
Arrest Warrant Thomas Allemann04.04.2024team-switzerlandwarrant
Arrest Warrant Sandra Battistini04.04.2024team-switzerlandwarrant
Arrest Warrant David Scicchitano04.04.2024team-switzerlandwarrant
Arrest Warrant Anja Käser04.04.2024team-switzerlandwarrant
Example for all to send (V2)27.03.2024, team-switzerlandtemplatecase template
Arrest Warrant Albulena Pacolli25.03.2024maria-graziawarrant
Arrest Warrant Dario Deplazes25.03.2024maria-graziawarrant
Arrest Warrant Silvio Lenz25.03.2024maria-graziawarrant
Arrest Warrant Frank Schuler25.03.2024maria-graziawarrant
Arrest Warrant Sandra Maissen25.03.2024maria-graziawarrant
Step by step instructions for Arrest Warrants07.02.2024, , , team-switzerlandtemplatecase live-life-claim template warrant
Arrest Warrant Gabriela Sallmann03.02.2024team-switzerlandwarrant
Cease and Desist Dominik Bühler17.12.2023, christina-and-ivancase order
Accompanying Letter to Bill Dominik Bühler17.12.2023christina-and-ivancase
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